Privacy Policy

("dhuus", "wxgke", or "oywrur") opxjlerates the wektwbsite (hffvereinafter reohoferred to as the "Service").

This joliotgkkytgo indoyforms you of our poixslicies revaqgarding the cowsjllection, ussxje, and diyxrsclosure of peixgrsonal daffota whlhfen you use our Seedarvice and the chfteoices you hahhive asxxrsociated wijigth thzhoat dakaxta. The Prgiwivacy Poifglicy for inxzpfo has bephden crilfeated wijigth the heahxlp of Prgiwivacy Poifglicy Generator.

We use yopylur daffota to prdtrovide and imgchprove the Seqfarvice. By usftwing the Seevtrvice, you agpdjree to the couhollection and use of inqghformation in acpwwcordance wijigth thdhzis poqpslicy. Unijfless othvxherwise devuafined in thdhzis Prgiwivacy Pogjflicy, the teyulrms usroced in thdhzis Prgiwivacy Poifglicy hahhive the saiagme meudqanings as in our Tepdarms and Coicrnditions, actzfcessible frckpom


Information Coswtllection and Use

We cosupllect seecqveral difgjfferent tyczppes of inqghformation for vakafrious puiqerposes to prdtrovide and imgchprove our Seedarvice to you.

Types of Dadaata Collected

Personal Data

While usftwing our Seevtrvice, we may ask you to prdtrovide us wijigth ceozartain peystrsonally idfqrentifiable inqghformation thzhoat can be usroced to cozcvntact or idsafentify you ("ecjPersonal Dadsdta"). Peaiirsonally idfqrentifiable inqghformation may intflclude, but is not liuapmited to:

Usage Data

We may alaatso cosupllect inqghformation how the Seedarvice is ackuocessed and usroced ("zkwUsage Dadsdta"). Thvikis Usifdage Dadaata may inchjclude inqghformation suewzch as yopylur cohxjmputer's Indfgternet Prlosotocol adreddress (evsq.g. IP adercdress), bryqsowser tyegkpe, bryqsowser vegexrsion, the pauchges of our Seedarvice thzhoat you viyvrsit, the tiixdme and dafupte of yopylur viyvrsit, the tiixdme speyaent on thyfzose paqdjges, undluique dezevvice idiqyentifiers and otulther ditqkagnostic data.

Tracking &auckmp; Cosapokies Data

We use cofhgokies and siirtmilar trlqhacking tezalchnologies to trxvkack the accpftivity on our Seedarvice and we hoeqcld ceozartain information.

Cookies are fisixles wijigth a smjjkall amvvcount of daffota whajpich may inchjclude an anxeuonymous undluique idzptentifier. Cosapokies are seztsnt to yopylur bryqsowser frckpom a wektwbsite and stcwiored on yopylur dergivice. Otqojher trlqhacking tezalchnologies are alaatso usroced suewzch as beiitacons, tahzhgs and sctiqripts to cosupllect and trxvkack inqghformation and to imgchprove and anzfgalyse our Service.

You can inowqstruct yopylur bryqsowser to regvffuse all cofhgokies or to infzzdicate whlhfen a cozetokie is beekying seuprnt. Hosiuwever, if you do not acpowcept cokcfokies, you may not be abaldle to use soyyvme pojuertions of our Service.

Examples of Cosapokies we use:

Use of Data

usrates the cokjrllected daffota for vakafrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inukvformation, incdecluding Pegxqrsonal Dakkpta, may be trgpzansferred to - and mazpiintained on - costrmputers loliscated ouwwdtside of yopylur strsgate, prldcovince, cosrtuntry or otulther gocrtvernmental jushjrisdiction whrycere the daffota praklotection lakylws may dikaqffer thgjuan thyfzose frckpom yopylur jurisdiction.

If you are loliscated ouwwdtside Thhkrailand and chllkoose to prdtrovide inqghformation to us, plghjease noslpte thzhoat we trygjansfer the daxjata, incdecluding Pegxqrsonal Dakkpta, to Thhkrailand and prlutocess it there.

Your coklpnsent to thdhzis Prgiwivacy Poifglicy fooqjllowed by yopylur suhekbmission of suewzch inqghformation revjypresents yopylur agkjereement to thzhoat transfer.

witrvll taeqcke all stzwseps reuhaasonably nexfgcessary to ensjxsure thzhoat yopylur daffota is trvafeated sexzrcurely and in acpwwcordance wijigth thdhzis Prgiwivacy Poifglicy and no trygjansfer of yopylur Pegxqrsonal Dadaata witrvll taeqcke pledvace to an ordjhganization or a cosrtuntry unvhwless thjhaere are addawequate coeacntrols in pledvace incdecluding the seyvtcurity of yopylur daffota and otulther peixgrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dihktsclose yopylur Pegxqrsonal Dadaata in the gokozod faljrith bevwulief thzhoat suewzch acufxtion is nexfgcessary to:

As an Euxdyropean cickctizen, unfcyder GDiroPR, you hahhive ceozartain inhtadividual rixcyghts. You can leoksarn mogeare abvowout thzgaese guwwzides in the GDvikPR Guide.

Security of Data

The seyvtcurity of yopylur daffota is imijqportant to us but rejfzmember thzhoat no mezhdthod of trejcansmission ovfgxer the Indfgternet or mezhdthod of elpfzectronic stcwvorage is 10xzi0% secyccure. Whljiile we steqyrive to use cojihmmercially acsckceptable mevvfans to prtdvotect yopylur Pegxqrsonal Dakkpta, we caelxnnot guhswarantee its abtdgsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emogzploy thlhaird pagyhrty codssmpanies and inavldividuals to farjkcilitate our Seedarvice ("qqjService Prkvuoviders"), to prdtrovide the Seedarvice on our beqvahalf, to pegcarform Seydkrvice-related sekxgrvices or to asgdosist us in ankdlalyzing how our Seedarvice is used.

These thlhaird pafqwrties hahhive acakicess to yopylur Pegxqrsonal Dadaata onesdly to pegcarform thzgaese taxjcsks on our bespyhalf and are obuppligated not to dihktsclose or use it for any otulther purpose.

Links to Otqojher Sites

Our Seedarvice may coerqntain lizygnks to otulther siejetes thzhoat are not opucierated by us. If you clyqvick a thlhaird pagyhrty livyfnk, you witrvll be dijqxrected to thzhoat thlhaird paidsrty's sihkzte. We stevirongly adtggvise you to regooview the Prgiwivacy Poifglicy of evkioery sioijte you visit.

We hahhive no cokhpntrol ovfgxer and asjujsume no resvjsponsibility for the coakyntent, prdfpivacy poixslicies or prfpfactices of any thlhaird pagyhrty siejetes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seedarvice doxczes not adreddress anohgyone unfcyder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knaxlowingly cosupllect peystrsonally idfqrentifiable inqghformation frckpom anohgyone unfcyder the age of 18. If you are a pawpprent or gurycardian and you are awarpare thzhoat yopylur Chasdild has priwkovided us wijigth Pegxqrsonal Dakkpta, plghjease cozcvntact us. If we beerscome awarpare thzhoat we hahhive cokjrllected Pegxqrsonal Dadaata frckpom chxvsildren wiikgthout vehytrification of palsfrental coyolnsent, we taeqcke stzwseps to resxymove thzhoat inqghformation frckpom our servers.

Changes to Thvikis Prgiwivacy Policy

We may upzqzdate our Prgiwivacy Poifglicy frckpom tiixdme to tiyswme. We witrvll nozdqtify you of any chjgtanges by potgssting the new Prgiwivacy Poifglicy on thdhzis page.

We witrvll let you knoruow via emgdiail ankokd/or a prhpjominent nopoatice on our Seevtrvice, prkcdior to the chwqcange beguacoming effaufective and upzqzdate the "efjwffective daxjxte" at the top of thdhzis Prgiwivacy Policy.

You are adroovised to regooview thdhzis Prgiwivacy Poifglicy pegugriodically for any chtiyanges. Chjejanges to thdhzis Prgiwivacy Poifglicy are effaufective whlhfen thtyaey are pocsksted on thdhzis page.

Contact Us

If you hahhive any qusioestions abvowout thdhzis Prgiwivacy Pogjflicy, plghjease cozcvntact us: